PROGRESS is finally on the horizon for a Herefordshire town after its only public loos were closed last year.

Visitors caught short in Bromyard have for months only been able to use a Portaloo placed next to the town's toilets in the Tenbury Road car park.

 The toilet block has been hit with issue after issue in recent years, suffering a number of vandalism incidents, before major drainage issues hit.

Council documents revealed that the first, and major, issue was the drains directly underneath the toilets, but the second issue was a blockage in the drains running under the town's leisure centre, behind the toilet block.

The blockage was later found to be a roof tile wedged in a pipe, which has since been removed.


However, the toilet block remains closed, with the town's properties committee resolving earlier this year that the Portaloos would remain in place until the toilets can be replaced.

There are no other public toilet facilities available in the town.

But now there is movement in the long-running saga, with minutes from the town's properties committee revealing that members have considered three quotations for architectural services for the renewal of the toilets.

After consideration of quotations and taking into account experience in other toilet designs, it was resolved to accept the quotation from IJW Design and Consulting at a cost of £1,150, the minutes said.